Insight Centre for Data Analytics - UCD Digital Library

Insight Centre for Data Analytics

Abstract: INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics creates a healthier, safer, more productive world by empowering a data-driven society to enable better decisions by individuals, communities, business and governments. Insight brings together leading Irish academics from 5 of Ireland's leading research centres (DERI, CLARITY, CLIQUE, 4C, TRIL), previously established by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Irish Industrial Development Authority (IDA), in key areas of priority research including: The Semantic Web, Sensors and the Sensor Web, Social network analysis, Decision Support and Optimization, and Connected Health.

  • Turley, Michael [Chief Operating Officer] (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Origin information
Dublin, Ireland : UCD Library, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Date issued:
Type of Resource
software, multimedia
Physical description
Datasets released by the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at University College Dublin — Digital origin: born digital (application/octet-stream)
Dataset   linked data (dct) Cartographic dataset   linked data (rda)
Data analytics
University College Dublin. UCD Digital Library
Insight Centre web site
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
Science Foundation Ireland

Record source
Prepared by staff of UCD Library, University College Dublin
Metadata for this item captured via the figshare API and transformed to MODS 3.5 by an automated process. — Metadata creation date: 2014 — Record identifier: info:fedora/ucdlib:33020

Rights & Usage Conditions

To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Ireland.

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