1993-1995 — 2013
Dataset — Collection — Text — StillImage
UCD School of Architecture, Landscape, and Civil Engineering — University College, Dublin. Library — Heritage Council (Ireland) — University College, Dublin. Urban Institute Ireland — Morrish, Seán William [ … ]
Data recovered from the project "Historic Ireland's Build Environment and Road Network Inventory Access" (HIBERNIA), which had been a web enablement of two earlier inventories: the Dublin Environmental Inventory (DEI) and the Dublin Docklands area master plan inventory (DDAMP) (both undertaken by... [ … ]
Dataset — Photographs — Collection — StillImage
Clarke, Julie — Laefer, Debra L. — UCD School of Architecture, Landscape, and Civil Engineering — University College, Dublin. Library — Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) [ … ]
Photographic data regarding 444 builings in Dublin, Ireland, comprising primarily multi-layer images in Adobe PhotoShop (PSD) format. The majority of images consist of one or more photographic images that have been manpulated to create a single ortorectified image of a structure; a structure may be... [ … ]
Zebra_Session: The table 'session_data' is full