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Encephaloid disease of the ovary

Watercolour medical illustration depicting encephaloid disease of the ovary. It has the alternative reference number 1582, 366 and P6B on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.c.11. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 9 reads 'Encephaloid disease of the ovary. AB aet 30'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'Drawn from nature by J. Connolly'. The handwritten note on the back reads '366. A.B. atet 30. Conversion of one of the ovaries into an immense encephaloid tumour'.

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Disease in the knee joint

Watercolour medical illustration depicting disease in the knee joint. It has the alternative reference number 1750, P19A and 261 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'This drawing represents a number of vascular fimbriated productions from the synovial membrane of the knee. The external semilunar cartilage is [?] in form & larger than natural. History of case unknown'.

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Button scurvy

Watercolour medical illustration depicting disease of the skin. It has the alternative reference number 1564, 315 and P8C on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'Drawn from Nature by J. Connolly' and so is 'Case of John Hynes'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Button scurvy'.

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Syphilis pustular eruption

Watercolour medical illustration depicting syphilitic eruption in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1073 and P7B on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.e.17. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 4 reads 'Syphilitic eruption [?] pustular. J.S Merrick 18'. The artist's name is in the top right corner 'Drawn from nature by Js. Connolly'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'James Merrick atet 18. Syphilis. Pustular eruption. [?] pustular'.

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Watercolour medical illustration depicting syphilitic rupia in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1620 and P7 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.e.13. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 4 reads 'Syphilitic rupia. W. Mathews 38'. The handwritten note in the bottom right corner reads 'Drawn from nature'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Ca.2. W Mathews atet 32. Syphilis'.

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Dry gangrene

Watercolour medical illustration depicting gangrene. It has the alternative reference number 1454 and P7A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.a.9. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 11 reads 'Gangrene from arteritis. Rose Mullen aet 10. Mr Adams'. Includes stamp of papermakers in top left corner. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Rose Mullin atet 10. Dry gangrene. Mr Adams, arteritis natural amputation, recovery'.

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Varicose condition of the saphenous veins

Watercolour medical illustration depicting varicose veins. It has the alternative reference number 1863 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.e.2. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 27 reads 'Varicose condition of the Saphena vein. Ch.s Mason aet 32. Dr Hutton'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'Drawn from Nature by J. Connolly' and in the bottom left 'Case of Charles Mason Atat 32'. The handwritten note under the illustration reads 'Varicose condition of the saphenous veins'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Varicose condition of the saphena (sic) vein'.

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Erectile tumour of the forearm

Watercolour medical illustration depicting erectile tumour. It has the alternative reference number 1340, P10 and 211 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. Includes stamp of Thomas Creswick papermakers in top right corner. The typescript note under the illustration reads 'Erectile Tumour of the Forearm…'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'A tumour engaging the entire of the forearm of an infant. It was during life supposed to be of a malignant nature and amputation was not deemed advisable. The examination of the tumour after death showed that the morbid growth consisted of erectile structure. Richmond Hospl.' This illustration relates to P263/792 portfolio 14.1.

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Cancer of the jaw

Watercolour medical illustration depicting cancer of the lip in a man. It has the alternative reference number 2043, P9 and 58 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the top right corner 'Drawn from Nature by J. Connolly' and the top left corner reads 'Case of Richard Ellwood Age 45'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Ad.31 Richard Ellwood aet 45, admitted Dec.r 10, 1831; 2 ½ years ago, a cancer formed on his lip & was destroyed by repeated application of Plunket's plaster. Nine months afterwards the glands in the left digestive space became diseased & an open cancer formed, which ultimately extended from near the left ear to the angle of the jaw upon the opposite side. Preparation B.a.1 No. 6'.

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Formation of a new nose

Watercolour medical illustration depicting lupus in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1572 and P8B on the front. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and 'Case of Jn Ferguson aet 21' in the bottom left corner. Includes stamp of Thomas Creswick papermakers in bottom left corner. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Ad.41. Formation of a new nose by the Indian Method of taking a flap of integuments from his forehead. The former nose had been destroyed by lupoid ulceration. S.n Hamilton's Case. Ap.l 1st 1857'. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. However, there is an entry in P263/1 pg. 2 that reads 'A.d.41 Nose formed from forehead, loss of natural one from lupus. Jn Ferguson 21. Mr Hamilton'.

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Multiple fractures of femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting multiple fractures of the femur. It has the alternative reference number 1385, 191 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.a.11. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 19 reads 'Fractures of the femur from malignant osseous. Sections of the bone'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'D.e.4 Fractures of the neck, trochanter & shaft of the femur. Fragilitas ossium. [?] of tissue. Thos. Murphy aet 41. The fracture of the shaft has been united with great deformity & uncommon deposition of new osseous matter of a spongy & very vascular nature. The fractures which seem to have been the result of fragilitas ossium occurred from slight exertions of the patient in moving the limb in bed to which he had been long confined.'

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Fracture of the neck trochanter shaft of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting fragilitas ossium or brittle bone. It has the alternative reference number 1801, P18 and 190 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.a.10. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 19 reads 'Fracture of the femur from fragilities ossium. Thomas Murphy aet 41. Mr Adams'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly Del.t' and in the left corner 'Case of Tho.s Murphy Aet 41. V.8.191'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'D.e.3. Thomas Murphy aet 41. Fracture of the neck trochanter shaft of the femur (the result of fragilitas) [?] of the shaft have united with great deformity and enormous deposit of a new osseous matter of a very spongy and vascular nature. Vide catalogue 190 & 191'.

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Stricture of the rectum

Watercolour medical illustration depicting stricture of the rectum. It has the alternative reference number 1369, 113 and P4A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.c.94. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 15 reads 'Stricture of the rectum, cancrum. Ann Tynan aet 58. Dr Duncan[?]'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly Del.t'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'See Catalogue of Preparations No 10 page 346. Anne Tynan at 50 admitted into the Whitworth Hosp.l in Sept.r 1834 having been ill for six months. She was emaciated, pale & sallow. She had sever abdominal pain, with nausea & [?], the alvine discharges consisted principally of muco-[?] matter, mixed with blood. She had also lancinating pains in the pelvis, hips and sacral region. She died exhausted by hectic fever, a few days after admission into the hospital. After death there was found an extensive stricture of the rectum, produced by cancrum disease. The nature of the disease was not suspected during life'.

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Edema of the right lower extremity

Watercolour medical illustration depicting edema of the right lower extremity in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1069, 467 and P9 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J.s Connolly Del.t' and in the left cut off '[l] Ryan 44 56'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Edema of the right lower extremity, the aspect[?] of the limb when the man was admitted was very much that of phlegmasia dolens, the swelling had existed for 4 months & had been proceeded by the formation of a tumour in the right iliac fossa, the femoral vein was obstructed. Upon examination of the [?], the spleen, greatly enlarged, was found to contain a number of large cribriform tumours. A tumour of the same nature occupied the right iliac region & dipped down into the pubis, displacing the bladder & rectum. The gland along the iliac vessels had undergone a similar disconnection also those in the left axilla & a portion of the osseous tissue of the sixth rib was converted into cribriform matter. See No 466. Dr Hutton[?] De.27'. Cut off in the bottom left is [] of the inguinal []estrophy of the [] of the limb'.

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Encephaloid disease of the bladder

Watercolour medical illustration depicting encephaloid tumour in the bladder. It has the alternative reference numbers 1222, 69 and P6A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.b.8. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 6 reads 'Encephaloid tumour in the bladder'. The typed note on the back reads 'Encephaloid disease of the bladder. Mr Robert W. Smith presented a remarkable specimen of a malignant tumour of the bladder, removed from the body of a man forty years of age, who was admitted into the hospital of the north Union Workhouse, under the care of Dr M'Clelland, labouring under the symptoms of retention of urine. At the time of his admission he stated that he had not passed any urine for two or three days, and that he had been for a long time past suffering from the general symptoms of urinary disease, the exact nature of which, however, it was impossible to determine, the being in a dying state, and unable to give any clear account of his case. He suffered agonizing pain in the region of the bladder, but no distinct tumour could be felt above the pubes. An Instrument was passed into the bladder; merely a small quantity of blood, however, flowed through it: the introduction of the instrument caused intense pain. The man died shortly after his admission. Autopsy. Upon laying open the bladder a large encephaloid tumour was found filling the greater part of its cavity; it had obstructed the orifice of the urethra, and obliterated the openings if the ureters; the bladder contained also a large coagulum of blood; its mucous membrane was highly vascular, and several small encephaloid tumours existed in the submucous tissue; the ureters, from the bladder to the kidneys, were greatly dilated and distended with urine. The lymphatic glands along the course of the iliac vessels upon either side were converted into an encephaloid tissue. The prostate gland was healthy; the kidneys congested and slightly enlarged. Museum, Richmond Hospital'.

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