St. Stephen's: a record of University life

St. Stephen's was a University College Dublin magazine started in 1901. The contributors and editorial staff included names that would later become important figures in Irish literary, political, and educational circles. Initially edited by Hugh Kennedy, the magazine was subsequently edited by Felix Hackett, Thomas Kettle, Constantine Peter Curran, John Kennedy, and Francis Cruise O'Brien. Contributors were mainly staff and students of the University, among them James Joyce, Patrick Pearse, Francis Sheehy-Skeffington, George Sigerson, and Patrick J. Little. The magazine was issued monthly during term. The magazine ceased publication in May 1906, but was re-started in 1960. This collection covers the initial volumes from 1901-1906.


UCD News

UCD News was an internal, informal publication for the staff and students of University College Dublin. It was published initially by the Information Officer and later by the Office of Public Affairs. The magazine's aim was to be an informal news magazine rather than an official publication - early issues state that the views expressed in were those of the editor and contributors and "did not necessarily reflect the views of the Governing Body, Academic Council, President or other officers of the College". Generally issues were published monthly with a summer, or graduate issue published over the summer months. A typical issue included: general news and notices from around the University; college club and society notices; sports news; correspondence; appointments and retirements. Profiles of individual Departments, Schools, or units were a regular feature as were official communications, such as reports from the Governing Body or addresses by the President at graduations. The summer issues in particular often contain an overview of developments, both physical and academic, within the University over the previous year as well as an interview with the President. Taken as a whole, this collection illustrates the physical growth of the Belfield campus, academic developments within the University, advancements in technology and work practices, and changes in the demographics of the student body, as well as documenting aspects of the wider higher education sector in Ireland.


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