A street of terraced houses

Photograph of a terraced houses (in the Marrowbone area of North Belfast?); a group of people has congregated in the distance; the cobbled street is strewn with litter.

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Burned out terraced houses in Antigua Street

Photograph of burned out terraced houses in Antigua Street which had been destroyed in rioting on 17 April; second copy of the photograph has been defined in pen, possibly for publication.

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A terraced house with damaged door and window

Photograph of a terraced house (in the Marrowbone area of North Belfast?); both the door and the downstairs front windows have been badly damaged.

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Burned out terraced houses in Saunderson Street

Photograph of burned out terraced houses in Saunderson Street which had been destroyed in rioting on 17 April; second copy of the photograph has been defined in pen, possibly for publication.

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Ruined cupola of the rotunda of a building

Photograph by W.D. Hogan of the ruined cupola of the rotunda of a building.

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Gutted interior of a church

Photograph by W.D. Hogan of the gutted interior of a church; the gable end with a small lattice window and bell tower is still intact; twisted metal girders and debris lie in the foreground; the roof is missing.

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Gutted interior of a building

Photograph by W.D. Hogan of the gutted interior of a building; the interior consists of a mass of twisted metal; through the breached walls a more imposing building, also damaged, is visible (possibly the mezzanine storage treasury of the Public Record Office although the window apertures are church-like).

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Interior of a building which has been completely gutted by fire

The steel girders have remained largely intact.

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Burned out terraced houses in Antigua Street

Photograph of burned out terraced houses in Antigua Street which had been destroyed in rioting on 17 April; the accompanying Publicity Department information states that the houses were looted, burned and completely destroyed. “Only the bare walls remain”.

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Interior of a house showing damage to the walls, furnishings, and a statue

Photograph of the interior of a house showing damage to the walls, furnishings and to a statue.

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Interior of a house showing extensive damage

Photograph of the interior of a house showing extensive damage to its internal walls and with part of its furnishings, including a bed, lying on the ground.

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A soldier on duty outside a ruined building

The photograph possibly has been taken near the Munster and Leinster Bank on Sackville Street (current address: 10-11 O'Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1); the gables of other badly damaged buildings are visible in the background.

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Interior of a house showing extensive damage

Photograph of the interior of a house showing extensive damage to its walls and bits of furnishings, including an iron bedstead, lying in a jumbled mass.

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Interior of a substantial building which has been completely gutted by fire

Photograph of the interior of a substantial building which has been completely gutted by fire; it seems to have consisted of four floors over a basement.

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A completely burned house at the corner of Saunderson Street

Photograph of a completely burned house at the corner of Saunderson Street.

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Liberty Hall showing extensive structural and artillery damage on one side

The two photographs have some differences in detail. Bricks have spilled out onto the street and workmen are in the process of loading them onto carts.

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Demolition work on a building in Middle Abbey Street

A man is silhouetted against the sky at the top of a ladder high on the building.

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Interior of a completely gutted building

The building possibly is on Sackville Street. A telegraph pole appears to be suspended in mid-air, debris is lying at the front of the building, and the cobbled street is full of puddles.

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Group of men outside a row of badly damaged and demolished buildings

Possibly on Sackville Street. Some of the men are working but others are scrutinising the damage; the remains of what appears to be a burned out tram are in the foreground.

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Soldiers outside a restaurant in ruins

The three photographs have some differences in detail. The restaurant interior has been destroyed although its façade, including decorative ironwork, appears to be largely intact; the soldiers are helping to salvage furniture. Further down the street there is even greater devastation of buildings with debris and wrecked vehicles lying around.

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Badly damaged buildings and people looking among the ruins

The two photographs have some differences in detail. The buildings possibly are on Sackville Street. The foreground contains twisted metal including the remains of a tram and a sign advertising Nestle's.

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Demolition of part of a building in Middle Abbey Street

The two photographs are taken from different angles. They show dust rising from the ruins and one photograph incorporates a group of people watching the process with curiosity. A building contractor's sign has been hung on the adjacent building.

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Man viewing the interior of a badly damaged building

The two photographs have some differences in detail. The man is viewing the gutted interior of very badly damaged buildings, possibly in the vicinity of the GPO, the parapet of which may just be visible. The foreground is a mass of twisted girders, and a long ladder is resting on part of the building.

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Soldiers in defensive position in the doorway and at a window of a building in ruins

The two photographs have some differences in detail.

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