The Dwelling House: A three-roomed, pre-Congested Districts Board thatched dwelling at Strake, in the south of Clare Island. Thatched dwellings and outhouses on the island are squat and the ridge of the roof is rounded to reduce the impact of westerly gales

A three-roomed, pre-Congested Districts Board thatched dwelling at Strake, in the south of Clare Island. Thatched dwellings and outhouses on the island are squat and the ridge of the roof is rounded to reduce the impact of westerly gales.

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Enclosure, Fold or Fence: Striped field system, Strake. Large regular fields or stripes were superimposed by the Congested Districts Board on an earlier open-field system of small tillage plots

Striped field system, Strake. Large regular fields or stripes were superimposed by the Congested Districts Board on an earlier open-field system of small tillage plots.

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The Dwelling House: Abandoned thatched dwelling house, Strake. Although its roof was rebuilt early in the twentieth century, it contiued to be thatched until abandoned

Abandoned thatched dwelling house, Strake. Although its roof was rebuilt early in the twentieth century, it contiued to be thatched until abandoned.

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