Dublin Metropolitan Police and Civic Guard (Garda Síochána) Personnel Registers

The two volumes in this collection contain hand written entries recording the details of recruits and applicants to the Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) and An Garda Síochána. The Civic Guard (Garda Síochána) Temporary Register covers the period from February 1922 to September 1924. The Dublin Metropolitan Police General Register covers the period from 1837 to 1975, although only the entries up to 1925 have been digitised and made available online for data protection reasons. The large double ledger volumes record details such as: age or date of birth; height; trade or occupation; home town; previous public service details; and pay. Details of the religion of a recruit were added to the DMP General Register from October 1858 while the Civic Guard Temporary Register recorded chest measurements as well as height and also includes reasons for the rejection of an applicant. The volumes will be of interest to those interested in genealogy and social history, as well as the history of policing in Ireland.


Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) Prisoners Books

The Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) Prisoners Books for 1905-1908 and 1911-1918 are amongst the most valuable new documents to come to light on the revolutionary decade. They include important information on social and political life in the capital during the last years of the Union, from the period of widespread anticipation of Home Rule, to the advent of the 1913 Lockout, the outbreak of the First World War, the Easter Rising and its aftermath, including the conscription crisis of 1918. They will also be invaluable to those interested in criminology, genealogy, and family history.


Carysfort College Registers, 1883-1922

The three volumes in this collection contain hand written entries recording the details of students registered with Our Lady of Mercy Training College Baggot Street and Carysfort training college from 1883 to 1922. The large double ledger volumes record student details, such as: home address, age, diocese and parish, position in school, and examination results. These registers will be of interest to those interested in genealogy and social history, as well as the history of education and teacher training in Ireland.


Papers of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee

This collection comprises the papers and correspondence of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee. The Committee was formed to raise funds to create a memorial to Kevin Barry (20 January 1902–1 November 1920). Barry, a medical student at University College Dublin, was executed for his part in an ambush which resulted in the deaths of three British Army officers. The Committee commissioned Harry Clarke Stained Glass Limited to create a stained glass window dedicated to Kevin Barry and the other students and graduates of University College Dublin who lost their lives in the struggle for Irish Independence. The window, designed by Richard King, was erected in Earlsfort Terrace and unveiled on 1 November 1934. In 2010, the window was conserved, restored and relocated in the Charles Institute at Belfield, the current campus of University College Dublin.
