Luxation of both bones of the forearm

Watercolour medical illustration depicting luxation of the forearm. It has the alternative reference number 1839, P18 and 200 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Complete luxation of both bones of the forearm outwards & upwards. The greater sigmoid cavity of the ulna rested against the ridge leading to the outer condyle of the humerus. The lower end of the humerus formed a very conspicuous tumour behind & below the level of the forearm, when the limb was semiflexed. The head of the radius was distinctly felt & the hand was semi[?]. When the cast (from which the drawing has been made), was taken the luxation had existed for several years. The subject of the accident was an adult male, a patient in the Richmond Hospital. I do not recollect for what he was admitted. For phthisis. Mr Smith'.

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Diseased joint

Two watercolour medical illustrations depicting diseased joint. It has the alternative reference number 1733 and P13A on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is very feint in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly Del.t'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Hargraves canal[?] supposed [?] luxation, but [??] chronic [?] of shoulder. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Enlarged [?] of under surface of [??] which [??] articular granular nodules on its under or articular surface'.

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Dislocation of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the femur. It has the alternative reference number 2011 and P18 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note in the bottom right corner reads '[?] in capsular ligament after in dislocation of the femur on dorsum of ilium. [??]'.

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Dislocation of the head of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the head of the femur in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1771, P18 and 180 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.71. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the heads of the femur into the foramen ovale. Michael Murphy'. The artist's name is in the bottom right but part of it is cut off, it reads 'J.C[]' and in the left corner 'Mich.l Murphy Aet 28'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'D.e.28. Dislocation of the head of the femur into the foramen ovale. The patient was admitted into Steeven's Hospital, five weeks after the receipt of the injury. Two attempts were made to reduce the bone, without any success. The thigh was flexed on the pelvis, the knee bent, the foot [?], the heel raised, the limb widely abducted. The pelvis was torn[?] on the affected side & there was a slight curvature of the spine, the convexity to the same side. The limb was shortened more than two inches, a deep hollow existed below the anterior spine of the ilium & the prominence of the trochanter was altogether lost & the fold of the buttock obliterated. The man stated that he was thrown down on his right side obliquely against a wall, by a horse running away with a cart & the wheel of the cart obliquely over his left hip above the trochanter. See Todd's Cyclopaedia page 823, vol. 2'.

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Dislocation of the head of the left humerus

Watercolour medical illustration depicting a dislocation of the humerus in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1081, P18 and 244 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.64. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the head of the humerus into the axilla. Bernard Broderick. Mr Hamilton'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the left corner 'Case of Bernard Broderick Aet 40'. Includes stamp of Thomas Creswick papermakers in bottom left corner. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Dislocation of the head of the left humerus into the axilla. Reduction ten days after the accident'.

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Congenital luxation of the lower jaw

Watercolour medical illustration depicting congenital luxation. It has the alternative reference number 1819[?], P13B and 37a on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The typescript note under the illustrations reads 'Congenital Luxation of the Lower Jaw'. This illustration may relate to P263/905, P263/906, P263/908 and P263/909, portfolio 15.3.

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Congenital luxation of the lower jaw

Three watercolour medical illustrations depicting congenital luxation. It has the alternative reference number 1817, P13B and 37e on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Congenital Luxation of the lower jaw. V. No. 37'. This illustration may relate to P263/906, P263/907, P263/908 and P263/909, portfolio 15.3.

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Displacement of head of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting displacement of the femur in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1768 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.67. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Displacement of the head of the from fracture of the acetabulum (Anterior) Mr Smith'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the bottom left 'Case of John Kenny Aet 32'. This illustration relates to P263/568, portfolio 9.2.

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Congenital luxation of wrists

Watercolour medical illustration depicting congenital luxation of the wrist. It has the alternative reference number 1842, P13B and 104 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.d.7. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 25 reads 'Congenital luxation of wrists. D O'Neil (5 drawings) Mr Smith'. The handwritten note below the illustration reads 'Congenital Luxation of Wrists'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'D O'Neil. V page 101 &102. Congenital malformation. Congenital luxation of the carpus backwards'. This illustration relates to P263/581, portfolio 10.1.

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Luxation of the tibia

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the tibia. It has the alternative reference number 1772, P18 and 165 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.85. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of Tibia forwards. Anne Byrne aet 35'. The handwritten note in the bottom left corner reads 'Dislocation of Tibia'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Luxation of the tibia forwards at the knee joint. Anne Byrne aet 35 while carrying a heavy load of metal on her back, her right heel slided[?] forward rapidly, the knee at the same time being twisted inwards. When she was brought to the hospital, the limb was found to be an inch & a half shorter than its fellow, the foot was inverted, the patilla (sic) pushed upwards, its lower [?] being directed forwards. Above the patilla (sic) there was a trans verso [?], the pulse in the anterior tibial artery could not be felt. The reduction was easily effected[?]'.

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Dislocation of the metatarsus and internal cuneiform bone

Watercolour medical illustration depicting a dislocation of the metatarsus. It has the alternative reference number 1759, P18 and 80a on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.70. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the metatarsus (4 views) Mr Smith'. The typescript note in the bottom left corner reads 'Dislocation of the Metatarsus and Internal Cuneiform Bone, upwards and backwards on the Tarsus...'. This illustration relates to P263/529, P263/530 and P263/531, portfolio 9.1.

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Dislocation of 1st phalanx of thumb

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the phalanx. It has the alternative reference number 1417 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.69. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the 1st phalanx of thumb forward on the metacarpal bone. Mr Smith'. The handwritten note below the illustration reads 'Dislocation of 1st phalanx of thumb'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Dislocation of the first phalanx of thumb forwards. See "Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin. January 8th 1859.'

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Luxation of the tibia at the knee joint

Watercolour medical illustration depicting luxation of the knee joint. It has the alternative reference number 1079, P18 and 164 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Luxation of the tibia forwards at the knee joint XX'.

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Congenital malformation

Watercolour medical illustration depicting congenital luxation. It has the alternative reference number 1053, P13B and 106 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Congenital Malformation. Deborah O'Neill aet 36. V. Catalogue 101 & 106' and the note in the bottom left corner 'Congenital luxation of the carpus forward, seen in the extended position of the limb'.

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Dislocation of the lower jaw

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the lower jaw in a woman. It has the alternative reference number 1085, P18 and 96 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.81. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of one condyle of the jaw. Mr Adams'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly Del.t'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Dislocation of the right condyle of the lower jaw, which occurred in the act of yawning; a previous luxation had happened during an epileptic convulsion' and the note in the bottom left corner read 'Dislocation of the lower jaw'.

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Dislocation of the internal cuneiform bone

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the cuneiform bone. It has the alternative reference number 1770 and P18 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the left corner written very feint 'Case of R??'. The typescript note on the back begins 'Dislocation of the Internal Cuneiform Bone'.

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Dislocation of the metatarsus and internal cuneiform bone

Watercolour medical illustration depicting a dislocation of the metatarsus. It has the alternative reference number 1760, P18 and 80b on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back is cut off but the remainder reads '[?] bones xxx super view of w. bones'. This illustration relates to P263/528, P263/530 and P263/531, portfolio 9.1.

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Congenital luxation of wrists

Watercolour medical illustration depicting congenital luxation of the wrist. It has the alternative reference number 1807, P13B and 101 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.d.7. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 25 reads 'Congenital luxation of wrists. D O'Neil (5 drawings) Mr Smith'. The handwritten note below the illustration reads 'Congenital Luxation of Wrists'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Deborah O'Neil atet 36 a lunatic – Congenital malformation. Vive Catalogue 101. Congenital luxation of the carpus forward. Seen in the flexed position'. This illustration relates to P263/580, portfolio 10.1.

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Congenital luxation of the lower jaw

Six watercolour medical illustrations depicting congenital luxation. It has the alternative reference number 1818, P13B and 37d on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The typescript note under the illustrations reads 'Congenital Luxation of the Lower Jaw'. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Congenital Luxation of the lower jaw. V. No. 37 See catalogue page 651'. This illustration may relate to P263/905, P263/907, P263/908 and P263/909, portfolio 15.3.

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Dislocations of the tibia and fibula

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocations of the tibia and fibula. It has the alternative reference number 1769 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.62. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocations of the tibia & fibula backwards at the ankle. Wm Jury aet 30. Mr Smith'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly Del.t' and in the centre 'Case of William Jury Aet 30'. This illustration relates to P263/539 portfolio 9.1.

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Dislocation of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the femur in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1767 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.66. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the head of the femur into the sciatic notch (Post.r view)'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the bottom left 'Dislocation of head of femur (Sciatica) Case of Owen Sheridan Aet 31'. This illustration relates to P263/566, portfolio 9.2.

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Dislocations of the tibia and fibula

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocations of the tibia and fibula in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1758 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.63. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Sketch showing the mode of production of the injury at the ankle. Wm Jury aet 30. Mr Smith'. The feint handwritten note in the bottom left corner reads 'Sketch showing mode of production of injury'. This illustration relates to P263/538, portfolio 9.1.

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Displacement of head of femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting displacement of the femur in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1765 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.68. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Displacement of the head of the from fracture of the acetabulum (Post.r view) Mr Smith'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the bottom left 'Displacement of head of femur. Case of John Kenny Aet 32'. This illustration relates to P263/569, portfolio 9.2.

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Dislocation of the femur

Watercolour medical illustration depicting dislocation of the femur in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1766 and P18 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.b.65. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 23 reads 'Dislocation of the head of the femur into the sciatic notch (Ant.r view)'. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the bottom left 'Case of Owen Sheridan Aet 31'. This illustration relates to P263/567, portfolio 9.2.

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