Regions liberees de l'Aisne: chêne centenaire que les Allemands ont mutilé sans avoir le temps de l'abattre

Century-old oak mutilated by the Germans in the Aisne region.

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Après la bataille: le salut au drapeau

A salute to the flag after the battle.

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Territoires libérés: le printemps fleurit quand même

Spring blossom on a tree in the free territories.

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Près de Verdun, après un combat: rassemblement de prisonniers Allemands faits au cours de l'action

A gathering of German prisoners near Verdun, after combat.

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Front de la Marne: régiment d'infanterie traversant un village

Regiment of infantry crossing a village at the Marne front.

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En Alsace: petites Alsaciennes après la distribution des prix

Young girls in Alsace after the distribution of prizes.

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From Y. M. Goblet to Douglas Hyde

Postcard from Y. M. Goblet [Yves-Marie] to Douglas Hyde giving thanks to Douglas Hyde for his support.


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From Joseph Loth to Douglas Hyde

Postcard from Joseph Loth to Douglas Hyde concerning delay to a book, sender excited to receive a letter from Hyde.


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