Éamon de Valera Papers: British documents relating to 1916

A collection of British documents and letters relating to 1916 which form a file within the Papers of Éamon de Valera. The documents include intelligence reports, despatches, and correspondence between Irish Command, Home Forces, the War Office, M.I.5.G., and the Royal Irish Constabulary. The documents cover the immediate aftermath of the 1916 Rising, the executions of the leaders, and the general political situation in Ireland at the time.


Diaries of John and Arthur Oram

Two sets of diaries written by John and Arthur Oram, father and son, farmers and land agents in Burrishoole, County Mayo. The diaries cover the periods 1854–1907 and 1887–1919 and record the day to day management of estates, including herd management, crop management, and maintenance of the land. The diaries also frequently refer to the collection of rents from tenants. Both sets of diaries record the weather for each day and often refer to national and international events such as the 'Fenian' conspiracy, the beginning of the Land League, the 1916 Rising, and the 1918 influenza epidemic.


Papers of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee

This collection comprises the papers and correspondence of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee. The Committee was formed to raise funds to create a memorial to Kevin Barry (20 January 1902–1 November 1920). Barry, a medical student at University College Dublin, was executed for his part in an ambush which resulted in the deaths of three British Army officers. The Committee commissioned Harry Clarke Stained Glass Limited to create a stained glass window dedicated to Kevin Barry and the other students and graduates of University College Dublin who lost their lives in the struggle for Irish Independence. The window, designed by Richard King, was erected in Earlsfort Terrace and unveiled on 1 November 1934. In 2010, the window was conserved, restored and relocated in the Charles Institute at Belfield, the current campus of University College Dublin.
