Éamon de Valera Papers: British documents relating to 1916

A collection of British documents and letters relating to 1916 which form a file within the Papers of Éamon de Valera. The documents include intelligence reports, despatches, and correspondence between Irish Command, Home Forces, the War Office, M.I.5.G., and the Royal Irish Constabulary. The documents cover the immediate aftermath of the 1916 Rising, the executions of the leaders, and the general political situation in Ireland at the time.


Kevin Barry Memorial Report 1933

Report of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee for the year 1933. The report discusses the events involving the committee dating back to the Report of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee 1930, the formation of a new committee in 1932 featuring Sarsfield Hogan, Tadgh Forbes, Patrick Donovan, William P. Fay, Kevin Mangan, R.J. McHugh, Mac O'Rahilly and John V. Bourke. The report also discusses the decision to award the contract for the window to the Harry Clarke Stained Glass Studio and details the subjects chosen for each of the eight individual panels within the window.


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Draft of history of the Kevin Barry Memorial: part of the final report of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee 1929–30

Draft manuscript report providing a detailed history of the Kevin Barry Memorial following a proposal made at a meeting of the Students' Representative Council of University College Dublin on 2 November 1920, the day following the execution of Kevin Barry. The report is written within two short examination booklets which have been labelled 'I' and 'II.'


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Final Report of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee for the Session 1929–30

Manuscript report of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee discussing the proposed memorial to be dedicated to Kevin Barry in University College Dublin, 14 October 1930. The report features a brief description of the history of the decision to create a memorial dedicated to Kevin Barry and the other students and graduates of University College Dublin who lost their lives during the struggle for independence. The report discusses the inception of the project and its development during the period 1920–30, beginning with a meeting of the Students’ Representative Council on 2 November 1920, in the immediate aftermath of the execution of Kevin Barry. It also refers to the finances of the memorial fund, the committee’s attempts at fund raising, members of the committee and the decision regarding what form the memorial should take. The report has been signed by the members of the committee including William P. Fay, Kevin Mangan, Patricia Browner, John V. Bourke and John Kent.


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Papers of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee

This collection comprises the papers and correspondence of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee. The Committee was formed to raise funds to create a memorial to Kevin Barry (20 January 1902–1 November 1920). Barry, a medical student at University College Dublin, was executed for his part in an ambush which resulted in the deaths of three British Army officers. The Committee commissioned Harry Clarke Stained Glass Limited to create a stained glass window dedicated to Kevin Barry and the other students and graduates of University College Dublin who lost their lives in the struggle for Irish Independence. The window, designed by Richard King, was erected in Earlsfort Terrace and unveiled on 1 November 1934. In 2010, the window was conserved, restored and relocated in the Charles Institute at Belfield, the current campus of University College Dublin.


UCD News

UCD News was an internal, informal publication for the staff and students of University College Dublin. It was published initially by the Information Officer and later by the Office of Public Affairs. The magazine's aim was to be an informal news magazine rather than an official publication - early issues state that the views expressed in were those of the editor and contributors and "did not necessarily reflect the views of the Governing Body, Academic Council, President or other officers of the College". Generally issues were published monthly with a summer, or graduate issue published over the summer months. A typical issue included: general news and notices from around the University; college club and society notices; sports news; correspondence; appointments and retirements. Profiles of individual Departments, Schools, or units were a regular feature as were official communications, such as reports from the Governing Body or addresses by the President at graduations. The summer issues in particular often contain an overview of developments, both physical and academic, within the University over the previous year as well as an interview with the President. Taken as a whole, this collection illustrates the physical growth of the Belfield campus, academic developments within the University, advancements in technology and work practices, and changes in the demographics of the student body, as well as documenting aspects of the wider higher education sector in Ireland.



Information for 93 streets Dublin (Ireland) in various formats: tabuluar format (represented in CSV format); the original FileMaker Pro (version 7) data file (compressed), a FileMaker Pro (version 12) data file (compressed); an XML representation extracted from FileMakerPro, version 7).


HIBERNIA: Buildings

Information for 1,280 buildings in Dublin (Ireland) in various formats; also 1,074 associated orthorectified GIF and JPEG images in a single compressed file archive.

mixed material


Pat was an Irish three-penny weekly satirical periodical, published and printed in Dublin by W. P. Swan. It was founded in 1879 by political cartoonist and illustrator John Fergus O'Hea, and writer and editor Edwin Hamilton. Hamilton and O'Hea had previously worked on the comic magazine Zozimus, the magazine Ireland's Eye, and the weekly newspaper Zoz. Pat was edited by Hamilton, with illustrations provided by O'Hea and other artists. Publishing ceased temporarily from September 1880 until January 1881, when O'Hea was joined by cartoonist Thomas Fitzpatrick. A summary printed in a number of issues describes the content as "artistic, literary, humorous, satirical… Each number contains, printed in several colours, one double page cartoon and one or more full page cartoons, besides numerous uncoloured sketches and minor illustrations. The literary matter, supplied by Irish writers of recognised ability, will treat of current events, not only in Dublin, but in all parts of Ireland". Regular features included a diary of the character Pat, reports on theatre productions in Dublin, descriptions of Dublin streets and areas, and travel notes from around Ireland and London. The illustrations cover many of the major political, social, and cultural issues of the period. Pat ceased publication in March 1883 and was followed by the short-lived magazine The Irish Diamond. (Based on information from the Dictionary of Irish Biography and Irish Comics Wiki)


Students' Representative Council Kevin Barry Memorial Committee: Report for the Year 1926–27

Manuscript report, written in Irish, relating to the proposed memorial and the search for approval for the project from the Governing Body of University College Dublin. The report was unanimously adopted by the committee and has been signed by Eoin Ó Broleáin, secretary, and Pádraig O Donnobhán, vice-president of the committee.


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War and Raid Files Collection

This collection consists of files relating to Irish Lights during World War I, and the Irish War of Independence and Civil War, covering the period 1914-1931. The files contain reports, letters and telegrams from Lightkeepers and other Irish Lights personnel around the coast; correspondence with the government and state bodies including the British Army and Navy, members of Dail Eireann and the new Departments of the State; and instructions, memoranda and official documents issued to Irish Lights by Government Departments and State bodies. Topics covered include reducing or extinguishing lights ; submarine sightings and attacks ; rescue of shipwrecked crews; and raids on lighthouses.


Dublin Town Planning Competition 1914

The Dublin Town Planning Competition was held in 1914, with the aim to "elicit Plans and Reports of a preliminary and suggestive character, and thus obtain contributions and alternatives which may be of value towards the guidance of the future development of the City in its various directions". The Dublin civic survey report refers to the competition as the Aberdeen Competition, probably due to the prize for the best design which was presented by the Marquis of Aberdeen and Temair. Eight entries were submitted in total, each relating to the Greater Dublin area, taking in Howth, Glasnevin, Ashtown, Dundrum and Dalkey. The main headings for the proposals included: 1. Communications; 2. Housing; and 3. Metropolitan improvements. The submission by Patrick Abercrombie, Sydney Kelly and Arthur Kelly was awarded the prize in 1916. Due to major political and historical events, the winning entry was not officially published until 1922, with the final Civic Report not published until 1925. Out of the eight entries, only three are known to have survived.

mixed material

Dunmore East: reports of sinking

File contains reports from Michael Polly, Principal Keeper Dunmore East, and J. Connolly, Assistant Keeper, of sighting several ships sunk in the area having been torpedoed or struck mines. Also included are details or crews being landed in Dunmore East.


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Hook Tower: reports of sinking

File contains reports from W. Eager, Principal Keeper Hook Tower, of sighting several Patrol Boats sunk in the area having struck mines. Also included are details of a large Barque torpedoed and sunk on 29 April 1917.


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The Irish Nurses' Magazine

The Irish Nurses' Magazine, vol. 25, no. 2 (February 1958)


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Mine Head: reports of submarines and attacks

File contains reports from Henry Thomas Murphy, Principal Keeper Mine Head, and Henry Hammond, Principal Keeper, of submarine sightings and attacks on ships in the area.


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Manuscript of Ailbhe Darcy's poem 'A report from Mapparium, Boston'

Handwritten presentation copy of the poem 'A report from the Mapparium, Boston'.


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Ailbhe Darcy reads her poem 'A report from the Mapparium, Boston'

Irish poet Ailbhe Darcy reads her poem 'A report from the Mapparium, Boston' in UCD Library's Special Collections.

moving image

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Correspondence and reports relating to telephones in R.I.C. barracks

Typescript copies of correspondence and reports relating to the extension of police [Royal Irish Constabulary] telephones throughout the country.


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Galley Head: reports of submarine sightings and sinking

File contains letters from R. J. Duffy and J. Ryan, Principal Keepers Galley Head. Included are details of: reporting to Coastguard re lifeboats from torpedoed vessel SS 'Arabic' (August 1915) ; reports of dead bodies of two women washed ashore from 'Arabic' disaster (October 1915) ; report of cargo steamer sunk (September 1916) ; reports of Danger Signals flown by boats in distress (October 1917 and March 1918).


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[Transcripts of news reports on Oliver Cromwell's military advance in Ireland, April 1650.]

[Transcripts of news reports on Oliver Cromwell's military advance in Ireland, April 1650.]


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Reports by Major General L. B. Friend on the progress of the rebellion

Detailed reports by Major General L. B. Friend, Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in Ireland, on the progress of the Rebellion. Includes: the third report notes that Lieutenant General Sir John Maxwell is expected to arrive in Dublin the next day to take over supreme command of the troops.


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[Letter from William Turner (6 Eton Terrace, Edinburgh) to William Frazer, advising Frazer on the best sources for obtaining scientific instruments.]

[Letter from William Turner (6 Eton Terrace, Edinburgh) to William Frazer, advising Frazer on the best sources for obtaining scientific instruments.]


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Informants: Mickey McCuaig (reported best helmsman on Island today), Rathlin

Mickey McCuaig (reported best helmsman on Island today), Rathlin.

still image

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