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Type of Resource
Physical description
1 item (52 digital images) (image/tiff) — Digital origin: reformatted digital — Reformating quality: preservation
Irish Virtual Research Library and Archives (PRTLI-funded project), UCD Library, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
PDF document (application/pdf) derived from the document TIFF images for access.
Includes a cover letter from Seán Ó hEochaidh to Seán [Ó Súilleabháin], dated 21 March 1955; A manuscript note by Seán [Ó hEochaidh], dated 20 March 1955; A newspaper clipping titled "Ulster in America" by F. P. Carey, taken from "The Irish News" (Belfast), 28 January 1955; And information collected from James McCauley, Letterbarrow, Co. Donegal.
eng  Irish  
Donegal (Ireland : County)
Letterbarrow (Ireland)
Glenties (Ireland)
Meenaleenaghan (Ireland)
Return migration--Ireland
Ireland--Social life and customs--19th century
Ireland--Social conditions--19th century
Ireland--Emigration and immigration
United States--Emigration and immigration
Ireland--History--19th century
UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics. National Folklore Collection UCD. Questionnaire: Emigration to America. MS1411
Includes a cover letter from Seán Ó hEochaidh to Seán [Ó Súilleabháin], dated 21 March 1955; A manuscript note by Seán [Ó hEochaidh], dated 20 March 1955; A newspaper clipping titled "Ulster in America" by F. P. Carey, taken from "The Irish News" (Belfast), 28 January 1955; And information collected from James McCauley, Letterbarrow, Co. Donegal.

Record source
Metadata creation date: 2006-06-12

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