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Origin information
Mondaniel, Rathcormac, Co. Cork
Date created:
Type of Resource
Physical description
1 item (5 digital images) (image/tiff) — Digital origin: reformatted digital — Reformating quality: preservation
Irish Virtual Research Library and Archives (PRTLI-funded project), UCD Library, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
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Includes cover letter addressed to Séamus Ó Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy), dated 8 April 1952. Barry apologises for not returning his response to the questionnaire on Tinkers in Ireland sooner. He explains he was trying to speak with an older man who he believed would have much valuable information on Tinker customs etc. He adds that he has not yet been able to meet him but when he does he will send on any useful information he might gather.
Pagination refers to the complete collection of responses from the provinces of Munster and Leinster (MS1255).
Munster (Ireland)
Cork (Ireland : County)
Mondaniel (Ireland)
Rathcormack (Ireland)
Barrymore (Ireland)
Names, Ethnological
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people--Origin
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Social life and customs
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Attitudes
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Social conditions
Aphorisms and apothegms
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Languages
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Employment
Irish Travellers (Nomadic people)--Psychology
Characters and characteristics
Delargy, James Hamilton, 1899-1980 --Correspondence
Barry, Patrick --Correspondence
UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics. National Folklore Collection UCD. Questionnaire: Tinkers [Travellers]. MS1255
Includes cover letter addressed to Séamus Ó Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy), dated 8 April 1952. Barry apologises for not returning his response to the questionnaire on Tinkers in Ireland sooner. He explains he was trying to speak with an older man who he believed would have much valuable information on Tinker customs etc. He adds that he has not yet been able to meet him but when he does he will send on any useful information he might gather.
Pagination refers to the complete collection of responses from the provinces of Munster and Leinster (MS1255).

Record source
Metadata creation date: 2006-11-08

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