Compliments card

Compliments card from James Joyce, with ms.


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Constantine Curran to James Joyce: Regarding Portrait of an Artist

Constantine Curran to James Joyce : letter to Joyce on receiving and reading Portrait of an Artist: typescript of the photocopied letter.


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Constantine Curran to James Joyce: Regarding Portrait of an Artist

Constantine Curran to James Joyce : letter to Joyce on receiving and reading Portrait of an Artist: photocopy.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Lucia’s illness; memorial for A.E. in New York

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : Lucia's illness discussed in depth; details and brief history of Chaucer ABC project; requests Curran's help re: publishers; gives details of memorial for A.E. in New York.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Will call on Curran

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : will call on Curran ...'Suis dans un trou sanguinaire'.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Family affairs in Ireland; Lucia; Work in Progress

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : family affairs in Ireland; letter from niece re: his sister Eileen (health issues); sending Curran money for song book and newspapers; asks for Curran's help in communicating response; Lucia, her aunt and cousins; his mother-in-law; his sister-in-law's marriage; Work in Progress.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Writing; encloses a novel; injuries

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : his bruised condition [after a fight?]; lists his injuries; encloses a novel for Curran; his writing; singing; poverty.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Gorman’s Life; Lucia’s health; Finnegans Wake

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : Gorman's Life; his sister-in-law's health issues; Lucia's health; birthday celebrations; notices of Finnegans Wake; J.F. Byrne's enquires re: publication of his book.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Haveth Childers Everywhere, Chaucer ABC

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : change of address in Paris; thanks; is sending Curran Haveth Childers Everywhere, with designs by Lucia; Giorgio spending summer at Long Beach; reference to Lucia's "nervous breakdown" and recovery; her illuminated letters for Chaucer ABC which Servire Press have apparently lost.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: US suit against Ulysses

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : hoping the case of wine will arrive safely; has had 2 trying years; US suit against Ulysses has been won; asks about J.F. Byrne and his 'parable' - "I am still willing to try to help it out…"


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Legal advice

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : asking Curran's advice about estate of Nora Joyce's uncle Michael Healy; complicated situation with his mother-in-law's finances.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Meeting Curran in Paris; Nora Joyce’s visit; Work in Progress

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : thanks for song books; wants to meet Curran in Paris; Nora Joyce's possible visit to Ireland; progress of WiP; singers; Irish Times / exhibition invite.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Statement to the press

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : asking Curran to 'communicate the facts narrated in my enclosed statement to the press'.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Dubliners

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : mentions having finished the "awful chapter" before passing it on to AE (George Russell); "I am writing a series of epicleti... I call the series 'Dubliners'…".


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Thanking Curran

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : thanks Curran for intervening on his behalf; wishes him a pleasant holiday.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Work in Progress

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : thanks Curran for present; may have it reproduced on cover of fragment of Work in Progress.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Work in Progress; Herbert Gorman; Clongowes; Lucia’s health

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : progress of WiP; is sending wine; singers and acquaintances; dinner with Herbert Gorman; Clongowes; asks Curran to buy songs; reference books; Lucia's health, her birthday; met Gillet at the opera; asks for Curran's travel dates.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Moving house; Finnegans Wake

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : moving house; family affairs; will sign Curran's copy of Finnegans Wake if Curran can bring it to Paris.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Thanking Curran

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : thanks Curran for his kindness after his (Joyce's) father's death; hopes he received cabled remittance (£20); wishes Curran well for the coming year.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Asking to meet Curran

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : Joyce says he is "in double trouble, mental & material". Asks Curran to meet him in Bewley's smoke-room the following day.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Chamber Music

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : sending Curran copy of Chamber Music; offers to send him the ms.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Personal health; Joyce’s literary career following publication of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : hopes Curran received the presentation copy of Dubliners. Has not seen any notices from America re: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Recovering from eye problems. Discusses Exiles, progress on Ulysses, and some verses he has had published.


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James Joyce to Constantine Curran: Sympathises with Curran

James Joyce to Constantine Curran : sympathises with Curran on the death of his mother; explains his sending a copy of Lucia's "lettrines" to Curran was in fulfilment of a thirty year old promise.


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