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Folklore School Games

Abstract The project builds on the earlier work of the Irish Folklore Commission in collecting the Schools' Survey in 1937-38 by collecting information on children's games from seven Dublin schools in 2009.

In collection

21 items
Location of original
Original items located in National Folklore collection.
National Folklore Collection
Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive
Scope and Content
The project builds on the earlier work of the Irish Folklore Commission in collecting the Schools' Survey in 1937-38. As this project was necessarily far smaller in scope, it was decided to focus on the collection of folklore, and specifically games, from school children in seven schools within the greater Dublin area. The method of recording the material duplicated that of the 1937-38 survey, in that school children handwrote the information in copybooks. The mediation was different; while the original Schools' Survey was mediated directly through each teacher, for this project Áine Furey visited each school participating in the survey to explain folklore in general, and this project in particular, to each participating class. Intervening advances in technology also enabled this project to make audio recordings of each school and so preserve, in a very accessible way, the children's descriptions and enactments of the games they play. Once teachers and schools had consented to participate in the survey, Áine Furey visited each school. She showed the children examples of the 1937-38 Schools' Collection from UCD's National Folklore Collection (where possible she used a manuscript or copy relevant to that particular school). She discussed games in detail and also covered other aspects of folklore. Each child was given their own blank copybook and a week within which to write about games they played (as well as other folklore issues if they wished). All the copybooks were collected after a week and the children discussed the work they had collected and were then recorded (using an Edirol recorder) describing, singing or playing the games about which they had written.
The research collection for this project contains three different types of material: a sample of essays about games from the 1937-38 Schools' Survey, a sample of digitised images from the copybooks collected in 2009, and audio recordings of the children describing and playing popular games.
Ball games--Ireland
Card games--Ireland
Tongue twisters
Children's songs

Record source
Finding aid encoded in EAD by the Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive (IVRLA) - M.S., 17 December 2009.

Finding aid author
Áine Furey

1. Sample Essays about Children's Games from 1937-1938 Schools' Survey

2. Sample Copybooks Collected from Schools in November 2009

3. Audio Recordings of Children Describing and Playing Games

a. Rathgar Junior School

b. Ballyroan Boys National School

c. Glasnevin National School

d. Carysfort National School, Blackrock

e. St. Brigid's Girls National School, Palmerstown

f. Gardiner Street Convent School

1.   Sample Essays about Children's Games from 1937-1938 Schools' Survey

[Selection of essays about games by schoolchildren from copybook NFC_0790]   [View...]
[Selection of essays about games by schoolchildren from copybook NFC_0796]   [View...]
[Selection of essays about games by schoolchildren from copybook NFC_0797]   [View...]

2.   Sample Copybooks Collected from Schools in November 2009

[Copybook 3. Glasnevin National School]   [View...]
[Copybook 4. Glasnevin National School]   [View...]
[Copybook 21. Rathgar Junior School]   [View...]
[Copybook 35. St. Brigid's Girls National School, Palmerstown]   [View...]
[Copybook 32. St. Brigid's Girls National School, Palmerstown]   [View...]

3.   Audio Recordings of Children Describing and Playing Games

a.   Rathgar Junior School

[Dodgeball]   [View...]
[The movie game]   [View...]
[Cat and mouse]   [View...]

b.   Ballyroan Boys National School

[Football rounders]   [View...]
[Tip-the-can]   [View...]
[One night my cousin was walking home ...]   [View...]

c.   Glasnevin National School

[Dodgeball]   [View...]
[Witch's gluepot]   [View...]
[Riddles]   [View...]

d.   Carysfort National School, Blackrock

[Games and riddles in Carysfort N.S.]   [View...]

e.   St. Brigid's Girls National School, Palmerstown

[Games and songs in St. Brigid's]   [View...]
[Shirley Temple]   [View...]

f.   Gardiner Street Convent School

[Games and songs in Gardiner Street]   [View...]

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