
Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library Research Project

Abstract: The Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library is a gathering of more than 5,000 volumes, almost all of which were once part of Clarke’s private library and are now housed at UCD Special Collections.

In collection Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive (IVLRA)

  1. Austin Clarke's review of Strolling Players and Drama in the Provinces, 1660-1765, by Sybil Rosenfeld. Cambridge University Press. 1939. Review published in The Dublin Magazine, NS 18, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 1943)
  2. Austin Clarke's review of The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry, ed Hugh MacDiarmid. London: Macmillan. 1940. Review published in The Dublin Magazine, NS 16, No. 2 (Apr-June 1941)
  3. Austin Clarke's review of Aiothdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry, ed. and trans. Lambert McKenna. S.J.Dublin: Educational Company. 1940. The Dublin Magazine, NS 16, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 1941)
  4. Austin Clarke's review of Intertraffic:Studies in Translation, by E.S. Bates. London: Jonathan Cape. 1943. The Dublin Magazine, NS 18, No. 4 (Oct-Dec 1943)
  5. Austin Clarke's review of Voltaire: Myth and Reality, by Kathleen O'Flaherty. Cork: Cork University Press. 1945. The Dublin Magazine, NS 20, No. 3 (Oct-Dec 1945)
  6. Austin Clarke's review of The Poet in the Theatre, by Ronald Peacock. London: Routledge. 1946. The Bell, 8, No. 3 (Dec 1946)
  7. List of reviews and essays written by Austin Clarke, including their publications and dates.
  8. Shelf listing of Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland material held in Special Collections, University College Dublin
  9. Front cover, plate illustration and title page for 'Strolling Players and Drama in the Provinces 1660-1775', by Sybil Rosenfeld
  10. Front cover (dust jacket) of The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry by Hugh MacDiarmaid
  11. Spine, front cover and title page of Aiothdioghluim Dána: A Miscellany of Irish Bardic Poetry
  12. Front cover (dust jacket) of Intertraffic: Studies in Translation by E.S. Bates
  13. Front cover (dust jacket) of Voltaire: Myth and Reality by Kathleen O'Flaherty
  14. Front cover (dust jacket) of The Poet in the Theatre, by Ronald Peacock
Date created:
Type of Resource
Physical description
9 items
Scope and Content
The Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library is a gathering of more than 5,000 volumes, almost all of which were once part of Clarke’s private library and are now housed at UCD Special Collections. Austin Clarke (1896-1974) poet, dramatist and broadcaster, was an important figure in Irish cultural life during the mid-twentieth century. With a literary career that spanned sixty years, Clarke witnessed the birth of the new Irish state and its growth towards modernity. His library reveals not just the kinds of books that Clarke chose to read, but material given to him both in a personal capacity, and in his professional role as a reviewer. Clarke’s reviews were published in major British and Irish publications; they are important not only for what they reveal about the work under scrutiny, but as an indication of the important relationship between cultural production within Ireland and abroad. This project specifically attends to the relationship between Clarke as reader and Clarke as professional reviewer. The collection includes a full shelf list of Austin Clarke’s library, an index of a selection of his published reviews and essays, and digitised copies of a small sample of those reviews together with visual representations of the relevant volumes from his library. One of the most interesting aspects of the library is the evidence it provides of Clarke’s significant awareness of non-Irish material in the genres of both imaginative and critical writing. Working at a time when Ireland was considered insular and often creatively self-absorbed, Clarke’s library index and review samples reveal the eclectic influences that permeated Irish culture and helped to shape the thinking of its writers and artists. It highlights his engagement with cultures beyond Ireland, in particular his interest in variations of language and genre.
Arrangement of the Collection
Clarke, Austin, 1896-1974
UCD Library. UCD Library Special Collections. Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library Research Project

Record source
Metadata creation date: 2009 — Prepared by IVRLA project staff, UCD Library, University College Dublin. Finding aid encoded in EAD by the Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive (IVRLA) - M.S..December 2009.

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Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library Research Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License
Austin Clarke/Poetry Ireland Library Research Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.