Irish National Election Study - UCD Digital Library

Irish National Election Study

Abstract: The Irish National Election Study (INES) is an extensive five-wave panel survey of (initially) 2663 respondents carried out by the ESRI through the period 2002-2007 and encompassing the Irish general elections of 2002 and 2007 as well as the local and European Parliament elections of 2004. This was the first ever such study of electoral behaviour in the Republic of Ireland. It was funded initially by a grant to TCD/UCD under the PRTLI/National Development Plan. This part of the research was directed by a team led by Michael Marsh (TCD) and Richard Sinnott (UCD) as principal investigators, assisted by Dr John Garry and Dr Fiachra Kennedy who were post-doctoral students attached to the project. Kenneth Benoit, Michael Laver, Michael Gallagher, Gail McElroy (all then TCD) and John Coakley (UCD) were associate investigators. This grant covered a post election face-to-face survey in 2002, and mail follow-ups with the same sample in 2003, 2004 and 2006. An infrastructure programme grant by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences to Michael Marsh allowed a second face-to-face survey, again with the same sample, after the 2007 election, along with a supplementary sample to provide for a more representative sample for that year.

# Label Extent MIME type Data
Irish National Election Study : SPSS 1 data file : 1,142,619 bytes application/zip
Irish National Election Study : SPSS Portable 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : SAS 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : CSV 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : Stata 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : Stata6 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : Stata7 1 data file application/zip
Irish National Election Study : NSDStat 1 data file application/zip
Survey administration
Type of Resource
software, multimedia
Physical description
1 data file
1,142,619 bytes — Digital origin: born digital (application/x-nsdstat) (application/zip) (application/x-spss-sav) (application/x-spss-por) (text/csv) (text/plain) (application/pdf) — Reformating quality: preservation
About the data
As part of the IRCHSS funded final wave of the 2002-2007 election study, a full 2002-2007 data set has been prepared for general distribution. This has been carried out by Jane Suiter under the direction of the Principal Investigator, Michael Marsh. -- The combined data set is constructed by including all variables in any of the five waves, giving a standard variable name so that where a question item is repeated across more than one wave it can be identified easily. -- In addition, there are two data sets. The first is a 'long' data set, which takes the variable names in the codebook and presents the data wave by wave. This enables a very simple analysis of any question by wave, and allows the same analysis to be carried out on one or more waves with the same set of commands. -- The second data set is a 'wide' one - this takes the respondent as the unit of analysis, and contains all responses across all available waves for each respondent. The variables names here are as in the codebook, but with a suffix indicating wave year 02, 03, 04, 06 and 07. This data set allows analysis of responses by the same respondent across different waves, such as how did a person's vote in 2002 change (or not) in 2007.
Sampling Procedure
Random selection from the electoral register.
Original file types: SPSS Portable and Stata 10.
Formats available
Data available in the following formats: CSV, SAS, SPSS, SPSS Portable, Stata, Stata7.
Dataset   linked data (dct)
Elections--Ireland   linked data (lcsh)
Elections--Ireland--Statistics   linked data (lcsh)
Research reporting
In order to provide funding agencies with essential information about the use of the data that have been collected with their assistance, each user of the data is expected to send a copy of each completed manuscript to:
  • Irish National Election Study
  • Political Science Department
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • 2-3 Dame Street
  • Dublin 2
  • Ireland

Referenced by
[1] Marsh, Michael. Electoral Studies Party identification in Ireland : An insecure anchor for a floating party system 822-833 –
[2] Marsh, Michael, Tilley, James Robert. Brit. J. Polit. Sci. British Journal of Political Science Attribution of Credit and Blame to Governments and Its Impact on Vote Choice 822-833 –
[3] Marsh, Michael, Sinnott, R. (Richard), Garry, John, 1969-, Kennedy, Fiachra, Benoit, Kenneth, Laver, Michael, Gallagher, Michael, 1951-, McElroy, Gail, Coakley, John, Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), University College Dublin, Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland. Higher Education Authority. Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions (PRTLI), Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Irish National Election Study 2002-2007. Dublin : Trinity College Dublin -- University College Dublin2008-10 822-833 –
[4] Marsh, Michael, McElroy, Gail. Political Research Quarterly Candidate Gender and Voter Choice 822-833 –
[5] Marsh, Michael. Party politics Candidates or Parties? 822-833 –
[6] Marsh, Michael, Bernhagen, Patrick. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties Missing Voters, Missing Data 822-833 –
[7] Marsh, Michael. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties None of that Post-modern stuff around here 822-833 –
[8] Marsh, Michael, Sinnott, R. (Richard), Garry, John, 1969-, Kennedy, Fiachra. The Irish voter. Manchester; New York : Manchester University Press : Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave 822-833
Record source
Prepared by staff of ISSDA and UCD Library, University College Dublin.

Rights & Usage Conditions

To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Ireland.