Photograph of Michael Tierney's funeral - UCD Digital Library

Photograph of Michael Tierney's funeral : Coffin being carried from the church, Belfield, Dublin.

In collection Tierney/MacNeill Photographs

Origin information
Date created:
Type of Resource
still image
Physical description
1 still image : digital
Photographs   linked data (lctgm)
Tierney, Michael, 1894-1975 --Death & burial   linked data (lctgm)
Funeral rites & ceremonies--Dublin (Ireland)   linked data (lctgm)
University College Dublin --Rites & ceremonies   linked data (lctgm)
Church of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom (Belfield, Dublin, Ireland) --Rites & ceremonies   linked data (lctgm)
Coffins   linked data (lctgm)
Tierney, Michael, 1894-1975 --Family   linked data (lctgm)
Ryan, Dermot, 1924-1985
University College Dublin --Buildings--Dublin (Ireland)   linked data (lctgm)
Group portraits   linked data (lctgm)
University College Dublin --Belfield (Dublin, Ireland)
Bishops--Dublin (Ireland)   linked data (lctgm)
UCD School of History and Archives. UCD Archives. Tierney/MacNeill Photographs. LA30/PH/282
Funded by the Higher Education Authority, Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions (PRTLI), Cycle 3.

Record source
Metadata creation date: 2005-11-08 — Description created by staff of UCD Library, University College Dublin based on the original listing in "The Barbara Miller Map Room : Catalogue Listing of Map Collections".Descriptions created by IVRLA project staff, UCD Library, University College Dublin.

Rights & Usage Conditions

Creative Commons License
Photograph of Michael Tierney's funeral : Coffin being carried from the church, Belfield, Dublin. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License
Photograph of Michael Tierney's funeral : Coffin being carried from the church, Belfield, Dublin. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Digital content © University College Dublin