Diary of John Oram - UCD Digital Library
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Diary of John Oram : 1st November 1864 - 31st December 1878

Diary commencing November 1st 1864 : No. 3

Abstract: The 3rd of 6 diaries by John Oram, covering the period November 1864–December 1878. For the most part the diaries record the day-to-day administration of the estate managed by John Oram in Burrishoole, County Mayo. The estate was owned by Captain Alexander Wyndham. Each of the diaries consist of one-line entries recording the management of the herds on the estate, the purchase of feed, management of the fisheries, sowing crops, collecting rents, settling terms with existing and new tenants, drawing up leases, attending the Assizes, and the upkeep of buildings and roads. Also attending markets and the buying and selling of livestock. An observation about the weather is made for each daily entry. Also refers to unusual meteorological events, astronomical events, and current affairs. In general John Oram concludes his diary for each year summarising the number of days of rain and dry days, the harvest, prices for livestock and a few lines of religious verse.

In collection Diaries of John and Arthur Oram

Origin information
Burrishoole, Co. Mayo ; Slinfold, England : John Oram
Date created:
Type of Resource
Physical description
[212] p.
26 x 40 cm
Scope and content
Includes: - Remarks that Captain Goff has asked to sub-let Burrishoole House (7 November 1864). - Concludes his diary for the year by referring again to the 'fearful hurricane' on 31 July which nearly destroyed the harvest along the shore (31 December 1864). - Records the birth of his daughter Emma Agnes (9 April 1865). - Remarks that Emma was baptised privately due to being sick (19 April 1865). - Remarks that he was presented with a gold watch and silver chain by Captain Goff (24 April 1865). - Records Captain Goff's departure for London (2 August 1865). - Records that Mr Hope's mare has been 'maliciously killed' (3 September 1865). - Refers to an arbitration between himself and Jonathan Pim MP and that the case was decided in his favour with Mr Pim instructed to pay John Oram commission for the sale of Ross House (28 October 1865). - Reports that Mr Hope's claim that his horse was deliberately killed was accepted at the Barony Sessions (13 October 1865). - Notes the improved conditions for the tenants and observes that they are '… more comfortable than for some years past …' (14 December 1865). - Remarks that Mr Kennedy has taken possession of Burrishoole House (14 December 1865). - Concludes his diary for 1865 remarking on the excellent harvest and making note of the 'Fenian conspiracy' towards the end of the year (31 December 1865). - Records his journey to England and safe return home via Dublin where he saw the Model Farm in Glasnevin (26 January 1866). - Remarks on the sale of the wreck of the American Barque 'Otter' (31 January 1866). - Records the launch of the repaired hull of the 'Otter' at Mulranny (15 May 1866). - Refers to panic in the cattle trade due to the appearance of the viral disease Rinderpest in County Down (22 May 1866). - Notes that there is cholera in Westport (23 August 1866). - Again remarks that there are 'fearful accounts' of cholera in Westport (27 August 1866). - Refers to the harvest and the dry settled weather for 15 successive days '… during which millions worth of corn and hay has been secured throughout Ireland—we were in despair—now we are rejoicing thanks be to God' (12 October 1866). - Remarks that his wife Jane is very ill following the birth of their son George who died the same day (16 December 1866). - Records that he obtained one of four licences granted in the Barony to carry arms (17 December 1866). - Remarks that all of the public houses are closed because of the Fenians (17 March 1867). - Records his son John's departure for New York (18 March 1867). - Remarks that he travelled to Sheskin to serve P. Joyce with a notice of proceedings in the Landed Estates Court (18 June 1867). - Remarks that he finished work on the new fish pass and hopes that salmon will get into Scaderaughdauntaun Lake (31 July 1867). - Remarks that his son Arthur is attending Athlone School (28 August 1867). - Records that Mr McDonnell and his wife have been put in charge of Burrishoole House (3 September 1867). - Records his visit to England, his meeting with Captain Wyndham and a proposal from the Captain to manage Pertwood, Dorset. Remarks that he returned to his relatives in West Lodge, held a family conference and decided to remain in Ireland (14–25 October 1867). - Records the birth of his daughter Lily Louisa (30 December 1867). - Reports that there is 'great alarm' owing to the theft of gunpowder from Mr Carey's store (24 January 1868). - Remarks that Captain Goff surrendered the lease of Burrishoole (29 June 1868). - Remarks that a company of the 63rd Regiment are in Newport to keep order during the county elections (17 October 1868). - Concludes his diary by remarking on the harvest as the '… best … probably ever known in Ireland … England was literally burnt up—the heat there was tropical' (31 December 1868). - Records the news of Captain Wyndham's death (12 January 1869). - Remarks that the stock was valued for probate duty (12 February 1869). - Records his journey to England where he was interviewed in London by solicitors representing the Executors of Captain Wyndham's estate (22 May–3 June 1869). - Remarks that he received orders to return to England to attend a meeting concerning the sale of Burrishoole (16–26 June 1869). - Records receiving notice that Mr Kennedy has purchased the Burrishoole Estate (30 June 1869). - Remarks that he has arranged to continue with Mr Kennedy (29 July 1869). - Records his journey to England where his son was taking examinations for Clerkship at Paddington, Arthur remaining as a Clerk in Paddington and John Oram returning to Ireland (15–22 July 1869). - Refers to the shooting dead of Hunter (29 August 1869). - Refers to the inquest '… verdict wilful murder against persons unknown' (31 August 1869). - Records the arrival of the Executor to the Estate, Mr W.C. Wyndham (1 September 1869). - Remarks that it has been a week of 'trouble and hard work' (4 September 1869). - Records that the prisoners in Hunter's murder case have been discharged (5 October 1869). - Refers to a great riot at the funeral of Susan Nixon. 'Priest and mob burying corpse by force' (11 October 1869). - Remarks that he finalised an agreement with a contractor to build Rosturk Castle (6 November 1869). - Remarks that he received a 'threatening' letter (12 November 1869). - And that he made an Affidavit of receiving a threatening letter (19 November 1869). - Remarks that he received news of Miss Gardiner of Ballycastle being shot, but not fatally (31 December 1869). - Concludes his diary for 1869 by reviewing the harvest. Refers also to the death of Captain Wyndham and the shooting dead of Mr Hunter. 'This county long considered the quietest, now has the name of being one of the worst if not the very worst in Ireland (31 December 1869). - Remarks that he has been asked to join in a memorial to the government concerning the state of the country (5 January 1870). - Refers to his attempts to sell seaweed at Mulranny but that there is a conspiracy not to buy it (15 January 1870). - Refers to the disturbed state of the country and men demanding higher wages (17–18 January 1870). - Remarks that wages were raised but that the men are demanding more, 'country very disturbed' (24 January 1870). - Records the birth of his daughter Edith Mabel (11 March 1870). - Refers to canvassing the parish regarding the Parochial schools and proposing a plan for their future management (10 May 1870). - Observes the strange appearance of the sun '… rose quite red, got dark red at 10 o'c pink at 1 fading into yellow after—so dim that it looked like the moon' (22 May 1870). - Records the opening of the National Bank in Newport (5 June 1870). - Reports news of the defeat of the French by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War (8 July 1870). - Records that Mr Saunder's guns were taken from Burrishoole House by 'villains' (28 August 1870). - Refers to reports that the French Emperor (Napoleon III) has been taken prisoner and that the French army have surrendered to the Germans (4 September 1870). - Records the letting of conacre (16 December 1870). - Records the total eclipse of the sun (22 December 1870). - Concludes his diary for 1870 by making observations about the weather for the past 17 years in Ireland. Remarks '… 1870 is the finest season on the whole and the least number of rainy days—the weather whether as regards the forwardness of the spring, the heat of the summer or the frost of December was just what would be looked on as a good average season in the South of England' (31 December 1870). - Remarks that Mr Clive's guns were taken (4 January 1871). - Records visiting Clogher and warning the tenants of the consequences of not paying their rents (25 February 1871). - Remarks that Mr Hope was shot at (3 April 1871). - Records receiving a letter informing him of the death of his uncle Thomas Talbott (21 October 1871). - Reports that some of the cattle have foot and mouth disease (23 November 1871). - Refers to repairs to the house at Maryland in preparation for the school and the opening of Maryland school (2, 6 December 1871). - Refers to the 'alarming' illness of the Prince of Wales who was suffering from typhoid fever (9 December 1871). - Concludes his diary for 1871 by remarking 'A year of high prices and good crops in Ireland—politically quieter than the last two but dislike to England and English rule gaining ground and deterring strangers from either coming to or investing money in Ireland (31 December 1871). - Remarks that he has received replies about farms in Dorsetshire (6 January 1872). - Records the death of his daughter Letitia Kathleen (27 January 1872). - Remarks that he accepted Colonel Roome's offering for House (not specified) and Sporting (23 February 1872). - Remarks that he attended the Castlebar Assizes and the trail of A.E. Molloy and R.H. Smithwick who were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to two years imprisonment (13 March 1872). - Refers to the fishery case at Westport and the decision to reinstate bag nets (17 May 1872). - Reports that he was shot at returning home from Mulranny and that the bullet went through his clothes (2 October 1872). - Records his journey to England to look at farms (4–19 November 1872). - Remarks that he had a police escort as he went about his business (27 November, 9 December 1872). - Remarks that he handed over the books, papers and documents relating to Mr Vaughan's estate to Mr Hope (5, 11 December 1872). - Concludes his diary for 1872 observing that it was the wettest year on record and remarking 'A memorable year to me as on the 2nd October I was shot at, at 2 o'clock pm a mile beyond Dughill. The ball passing through my Macintosh and under coat by God's blessing I escaped unhurt—in consequence of this I surrendered Mr Vaughan's agency, and tried to get a farm in England but have not as yet succeeded' (31 December 1872). - Remarks that he has been offered a farm in Sussex (11 January 1873). - Describes his journey to England and his decision to lease Clinsfold farm in Sussex from Mr Simes (17 February–4 March 1873). - Remarks that William Rose was appointed farm manager to Mr Kennedy (26 May 1873). - Records that he arranged for his son Arthur to succeed him in Ireland as agent (31 May 1873). - Records the departure of his wife and children for England (25 September 1873). - Records his own departure for England (6 October 1873). - Provides a summary of his life in England for the years 1874, 1875, 1876 up to April 1877 when he returned to Ireland to live in Wilford Lodge. Remarks 'On Thursday April 26th left Clinsfold very glad indeed to leave it … all well—a home in Ireland once more—thanks be to the giver of all good. After all was settled found the price paid by Mr Anscombe (who took over Clinsfold) re-imbursed all my loss and left me £147 better than when I left Ireland in Oct 1873' (January 1874–April 1877). - Reports that Sir R. O'Donnell had been made Earl of Tyrconnell (18 September 1877). - Remarks that the Lord Lieutenant arrived at Westport (22 October 1877). - Remarks that Lord Hinton took Burrishoole (22 July 1878).
Oram, John, 1824-1907 --Diaries
Farm managers--Ireland--Diaries
Farm management--Ireland--Mayo
Burrishoole (Ireland : Parish)
Slinfold (England)
UCD Archives . P258/3
Suggested credit
"Diary of John Oram," held by UCD Archives. © Public domain. Digital content by University College Dublin, published by UCD Library, University College Dublin <http://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:256152>

Record source
Descriptions created by staff of UCD Library, University College Dublin, based on information provided by UCD Archives. — Metadata creation date: 2017-09-26

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