Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 - UCD Digital Library

Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007

Abstract: Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 (see satellite image). A total of ~225 million points were acquired for a dense urban neighbourhood. ALS was carried out by contractors using FLI-MAP 2 system. The system operated at a scan angle of 60 degrees, with an angular spacing of 60/1000 degrees between pulses. The FLI-MAP 2 system also provides spectral data in two different forms: (i) intensity and (ii) colour. An intensity value is provided for each point while colour information is provided by cameras acquiring images during the flyover and is transferred to scan points. The flying altitude varied between ~380-480m, with an average value of ~400m. Total 44 flight strips were acquired and 2823 flight path points were recorded, providing instantaneous aircraft position over time.

  • Laefer, Debra L. [Research team head, Principal Investigator] (University College Dublin)

This visualisation provides an interactive view of the aggregated LiDAR datasets in this collection. It is also equipped with measurement tools to calculate distances or areas and profile or clipping tools for close-up inspections. It provides options to colour LiDAR by classification, return type, intensity, and point source ID, and provides visuals via Eye Dome Lighting (EDL).

Link to visualisation:

  1. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : map of survey area
  2. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : GeoTIFF image of survey area
  3. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 3 spreadsheets of path data for survey area
  4. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 315000_234000.las
  5. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 315000_234500.las
  6. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 315500_234000.las
  7. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 315500_234500.las
  8. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 316000_233500.las
  9. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 316000_234000.las
  10. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 316000_234500.las
  11. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 316500_234000.las
  12. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 : 316500_234500.las
Origin information
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland : UCD Library, University College Dublin
Date issued:
Type of Resource
still image
Physical description
2 digital images + 3 spreadsheets + 9 digital data files (point cloud data in LiDAR Data Exchange (LAS) Format) — Digital origin: born digital (image/jpeg) (image/geotiff) (application/octet-stream)
Data format of the point cloud data is LAS version 1.1
Source characteristics: LiDAR data was stored in Irish Grid - EPSG: 29902.
The collection includes a GeoTIFF image of the area scanned by LiDAR (Irish Grid projection) as well as three Excel spreadsheets with details of flight and flightpath.
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3382; westlimit=-6.2703; northlimit=53.3455; eastlimit=-6.2494 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3446; westlimit=-6.2589; northlimit=53.3446; eastlimit=-6.2494 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3382; westlimit=-6.2703; northlimit=53.3455; eastlimit=-6.2494 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3382; westlimit=-6.2703; northlimit=53.3455; eastlimit=-6.2494 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3405; westlimit=-6.2703; northlimit=53.3439; eastlimit=-6.2666 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3439; westlimit=-6.2701; northlimit=53.3455; eastlimit=-6.2665 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3396; westlimit=-6.2667; northlimit=53.3439; eastlimit=-6.2591 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3437; westlimit=-6.2666; northlimit=53.3471; eastlimit=-6.2589 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3437; westlimit=-6.2666; northlimit=53.3471; eastlimit=-6.2589 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3391; westlimit=-6.2592; northlimit=53.3437; eastlimit=-6.2516 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3436; westlimit=-6.2591; northlimit=53.347; eastlimit=-6.2514 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.34; westlimit=-6.2517; northlimit=53.3436; eastlimit=-6.2497 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Map bounding box
southlimit=53.3436; westlimit=-6.2516; northlimit=53.3446; eastlimit=-6.2494 (WGS84 (EPSG:4326))
Dataset   linked data (dct)
Optical radar   linked data (lcsh)
Architecture--Ireland--Dublin   linked data (lcsh)
Area of interest
Dublin, Ireland
University College Dublin. UCD Digital Library. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007
SFI Principal Investigator Career Advancement (PICA) Programme, I850
EPA (ERTDI Programme 2000-2006 Sub-Measure 2), 2005-CD-U1-M1

Referenced by
[1] Hinks, Tommy, Carr, Hamish, Laefer, Debra F.. J. Comput. Civ. Eng. Flight Optimization Algorithms for Aerial LiDAR Capture for Urban Infrastructure Model Generation 330-339 –
[2] Laefer, Debra F., Truong-Hong, Linh, Fitzgerald, Michael. Recent Patents on Computer Science Processing of terrestrial laser scanning point cloud data for computational modelling of building facadesBentham Science2011-01 330-339 –
Record source
human prepared, with emendations introduced during automated workflow processing

Rights & Usage Conditions

To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Ireland.