Prisoners book 5 - UCD Digital Library
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Prisoners book 5 : 1916-18

Abstract: This volume, numbered 5, of the Dublin Metropolitan Police prisoners books details arrests dating from 1st January 1916 to 30th September 1918. The record for each arrest includes the name, age, address, occupation, alleged offence and, in most cases, the outcome of the case for those arrested. The volume also contains a name index of prisoners with references to the pages containing details of the charge.

In collection Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) Prisoners Books

Origin information
Dublin, Ireland : Dublin Metropolitan Police
Date created:
Type of Resource
Physical description
250 [i.e. 500], [119] p.
24 X 34 cm
Condition: The cover is in poor condition. The pages have dirt around the edges and some curled corners but are otherwise in good condition.
Physical description: The two pages marked 176 appear to have been glued together. There does not appear to be any gap in the entries from between pages 175 and pages 177. The pages numbered 243 to 250 are blank.
The arrest records are recorded across two pages. Each double page spread is printed with the same number (from 1 to 250) on both pages of each double page spread.
Registers (Lists)   linked data (lcgft)
Criminal records--Ireland--Dublin   linked data (lcsh)
Dublin Metropolitan Police --Records and correspondence
An Garda Síochána. Garda Museum and Archives
Suggested credit
"Prisoners book 5," held by Garda Museum and Archives. © Public domain. Digital content: © Pádraig Yeates, published by UCD Library, University College Dublin <>

Record source
Descriptions created by staff of UCD Library, University College Dublin based on information supplied by Pádraig Yeates. — Metadata creation date: 15/12/2015

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Creative Commons License
Prisoners book 5 : 1916-18 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Digital rights: Pádraig Yeates