Rough preliminary draft of a proclamation under martial law - UCD Digital Library
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Rough preliminary draft of a proclamation under martial law

Abstract: Typescript copy of 'Rough Preliminary Draft' of a 'Proclamation under Martial Law' (2 p.). Includes covering letter from General Maxwell to Lord French explaining 'the object of the enclosed is to enable the National Volunteers (Redmondites) and Ulster Volunteers (Carsonites) to be recognised as part of the Forces of the Crown' (1 p.).

In collection Éamon de Valera Papers : British documents relating to 1916

Origin information
Dublin, Ireland
Date created:
Type of Resource
Physical description
2 items
18 x 11 cm
Miscellaneous Documents
Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916   linked data (lcsh)
Martial law--Ireland
UCD Archives
Suggested credit
"Rough preliminary draft of a proclamation under martial law," held by UCD Archives. © Public domain. Digital content by University College Dublin, published by UCD Library, University College Dublin <>

Record source
Descriptions created by staff of UCD Library, University College Dublin, based on information provided by UCD Archives. — Metadata creation date: 2017-04-06

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