Loreto 1916

A collection of material related to the Easter Rising 1916 from the IBVM (Loreto) Institute & Irish Province Archives, including contemporaneous accounts of the Rising as observed by the Loreto Sisters at St Stephen’s Green Dublin and Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham. The material is collated from three separate Loreto archival collections: the community archives of Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham; Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green; and M. Michael Corcoran IBVM, Superior General 1888 – 1918. The collection comprises of two manuscript community annals, a military permit, picture postcards from Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham and Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green, and a typed letter from M. Michael Corcoran IBVM, Superior General 1888 – 1918.


Diaries of John and Arthur Oram

Two sets of diaries written by John and Arthur Oram, father and son, farmers and land agents in Burrishoole, County Mayo. The diaries cover the periods 1854–1907 and 1887–1919 and record the day to day management of estates, including herd management, crop management, and maintenance of the land. The diaries also frequently refer to the collection of rents from tenants. Both sets of diaries record the weather for each day and often refer to national and international events such as the 'Fenian' conspiracy, the beginning of the Land League, the 1916 Rising, and the 1918 influenza epidemic.


Fr. Francis A. Gleeson Papers

A collection of papers belonging to Fr. Francis A. Gleeson relating to his time as Catholic Military Chaplain to the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers during World War I. The papers include diaries detailing life at the front and religious activities, Brigade Rolls listing mainly Roman Catholic soldiers, and correspondence from the families of men missing or killed in action.


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