Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007

Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007 (see satellite image). A total of ~225 million points were acquired for a dense urban neighbourhood. ALS was carried out by contractors using FLI-MAP 2 system. The system operated at a scan angle of 60 degrees, with an angular spacing of 60/1000 degrees between pulses. The FLI-MAP 2 system also provides spectral data in two different forms: (i) intensity and (ii) colour. An intensity value is provided for each point while colour information is provided by cameras acquiring images during the flyover and is transferred to scan points. The flying altitude varied between ~380-480m, with an average value of ~400m. Total 44 flight strips were acquired and 2823 flight path points were recorded, providing instantaneous aircraft position over time.


HIBERNIA: Historic Ireland's Build Environment and Road Network Inventory Access

Data recovered from the project "Historic Ireland's Build Environment and Road Network Inventory Access" (HIBERNIA), which had been a web enablement of two earlier inventories: the Dublin Environmental Inventory (DEI) and the Dublin Docklands area master plan inventory (DDAMP) (both undertaken by the School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering, University College Dublin). The combined inventories include historical, geographical, and architectural information collected from 1993 to 1995 for 1,280 of Dublin's buildings.

mixed material

Ancient World Mapping Center : Map files

Shapefiles in compressed archive (zip) format representing ancient world geographic features, captured from the Ancient World Mapping Center (


Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science Index

A database of the Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science between its creation in 1832 and the year 1949.


Dataset comprising a listing of student and staff of University College Dublin who participated in, and died in, World War I

The dataset comprises a tabular listing of student and staff of University College Dublin who participated in, and died in, World War I. The data was derived by Conor Mulvagh fom two sources: The National University of Ireland War List, "Roll of Honour," and the Commonwealth War Graves Commissions database of war dead.


Urban Modelling Group (UMG)

The Urban Modelling Group (UMG) is based in the UCD School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at University College Dublin. Professor Debra F Laefer heads this group and it formed in 2006 to bridge the efforts of the architectural heritage community and those of practising engineers by introducing, adapting, and generating new technologies to help safeguard built urban heritage.


Insight Centre for Data Analytics

INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics creates a healthier, safer, more productive world by empowering a data-driven society to enable better decisions by individuals, communities, business and governments. Insight brings together leading Irish academics from 5 of Ireland's leading research centres (DERI, CLARITY, CLIQUE, 4C, TRIL), previously established by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Irish Industrial Development Authority (IDA), in key areas of priority research including: The Semantic Web, Sensors and the Sensor Web, Social network analysis, Decision Support and Optimization, and Connected Health.


Ireland Life Writing

The project’s purpose is to solicit, catalogue, and archive the life-writings of Irish people who wish to contribute accounts of their life experiences.


Dataset comprising photographic documentation of 444 buildings in Dublin, Ireland

Photographic data regarding 444 builings in Dublin, Ireland, comprising primarily multi-layer images in Adobe PhotoShop (PSD) format. The majority of images consist of one or more photographic images that have been manpulated to create a single ortorectified image of a structure; a structure may be represented by more than one PSD file, such that 516 images in total are included in the dataset.

still image

Dataset describing attributes and condition of 449 buildings in Dublin, Ireland, compiled in 2013.

Data regarding 449 builings in Dublin, Ireland, comprising tables of building characteristics and attributes and an assessment of building status by a range of criteria.


HIBERNIA: Buildings

Information for 1,280 buildings in Dublin (Ireland) in various formats; also 1,074 associated orthorectified GIF and JPEG images in a single compressed file archive.

mixed material


Information for 93 streets Dublin (Ireland) in various formats: tabuluar format (represented in CSV format); the original FileMaker Pro (version 7) data file (compressed), a FileMaker Pro (version 12) data file (compressed); an XML representation extracted from FileMakerPro, version 7).


Irish Builder and Engineer Catalogue

Catalogue of the Irish Builder and Engineer.


Minor Harbours of Ireland

Minor Harbours of Ireland, an Irish Research Council-funded project by UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, examines the evolution of maritime engineering in small harbours in Ireland from the seventeenth century to the present. This collection records the construction and evolution of a selection of these minor harbours and includes short historical descriptions, onsite LiDAR scans, photographic site surveys, and exhibition posters for each harbour.

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Balbriggan Harbour, County Fingal (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Balbriggan Harbour, County Fingal, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Bullock Harbour, County Dublin (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Bullock Harbour, County Dublin, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Port Oriel Harbour, County Louth (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Port Oriel Harbour, County Louth, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Boatstrand Harbour, County Waterford (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Boat Strand Harbour, County Waterford, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Fethard Harbour, County Wexford (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Fethard Harbour, County Wexford, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Slade Harbour, County Wexford (Minor Harbours of Ireland)

This collection contains files which describe the construction and evolution of Slade Harbour, County Wexford, from its earliest structure to its current form.

still image

Irish Dialect Archive Card Collection

A selection of data from the Irish Dialect Archive (Cartlann na gCanúintí) Card Collection of the School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics at UCD.


Index to the speeches of Seán Lemass as Taoiseach

Index to the speeches of Lemass as Taoiseach.


Irish Famine Research Project

Indexes and representative data compiled by the National Famine Commemoration Project in the Parsonstown, Ennistymon, Inishowen and Rathdrum Unions.


Remote sensor imagery collected over an area of around 1 square km in Dublin city in 2007: ECW images and SDIA attribute files of survey area in Zip-compressed format

Datasets of images of approximately 1 square km of land area in Dublin City in 2007. Images were captured through use of the Fugro FLI-MAP family of LiDAR systems which capture LiDAR and still camera imagery simultaneously during a fly-over survey. The dataset includes “forward” and “mapping” imagery comprising complementary data files in ECW and SDIA formats.


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