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Loreto 1916

A collection of material related to the Easter Rising 1916 from the IBVM (Loreto) Institute & Irish Province Archives, including contemporaneous accounts of the Rising as observed by the Loreto Sisters at St Stephen’s Green Dublin and Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham. The material is collated from three separate Loreto archival collections: the community archives of Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham; Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green; and M. Michael Corcoran IBVM, Superior General 1888 – 1918. The collection comprises of two manuscript community annals, a military permit, picture postcards from Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham and Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green, and a typed letter from M. Michael Corcoran IBVM, Superior General 1888 – 1918.


Papers of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee

This collection comprises the papers and correspondence of the Kevin Barry Memorial Committee. The Committee was formed to raise funds to create a memorial to Kevin Barry (20 January 1902–1 November 1920). Barry, a medical student at University College Dublin, was executed for his part in an ambush which resulted in the deaths of three British Army officers. The Committee commissioned Harry Clarke Stained Glass Limited to create a stained glass window dedicated to Kevin Barry and the other students and graduates of University College Dublin who lost their lives in the struggle for Irish Independence. The window, designed by Richard King, was erected in Earlsfort Terrace and unveiled on 1 November 1934. In 2010, the window was conserved, restored and relocated in the Charles Institute at Belfield, the current campus of University College Dublin.


View in the grounds looking west, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard a view of the grounds of Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. Commercially produced c. 1930’s, but building was little altered from 1916.

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Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham, Dublin

Postcard of Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham, depicting the front lawn, a pupil playing with a dog, and farm workers mowing and saving hay on the back lawn.

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In the grounds, the tennis courts, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the grounds and tennis courts of Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the grounds were little altered from 1916.

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Senior classroom, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the senior classroom in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. Commercially produced c. 1930’s, but building was little altered from 1916.

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Aerial view of Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham

Aerial photograph of Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham showing the farm yard (upper right hand corner of photograph, marked with an x). The Annals Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham 1913-1916 refer to two workmen employed on this farm who participated in the rising. The height from which the photograph was taken is noted as 1,000 feet. The date and title are also written on the verso of the photograph, along with the following note 'farmyard to the right where Stonepark Abbey houses are being erected 1989-1990'.

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Military permit

A signed military permit for the superior and community at 53 St Stephen’s Green. It was anticipated that the community & boarding pupils may have to evacuate to the safety of Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham. See Annals Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham 1913 - 1916 (LAB/LAC/1/6) and Annals Loreto College 53 St Stephen’s Green 1914 - 1918 (SSG/3), entries for 30th April 1916.


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The terrace, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the terrace in the grounds of Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the grounds were little altered from 1916.

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Young boarders, Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham, Dublin

Postcard sized photograph of young boarders in school uniforms, holding tennis racquets. On the verso of the photograph is written 'Loreto Archive, pupils Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham'.

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Extract from the Annals Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham 1913 - 1916

This contemporaneous account of Easter Rising 1916 captures the uncertainty, the confusion and the anxiety experienced by the religious community and their concern for their Sisters in Dublin city centre communities (i.e. 43 North Great George’s Street, 53 St Stephen’s Green & 77 St Stephen’s Green.) In 1916 the Sisters were bound by the rule of enclosure, and were not permitted to leave convent grounds, unless for medical or other appointments. The Sisters were permitted to visit other convents, but only with the prior agreement of their Local Superior. The annalist records the impact of the Rising on the community, including lack of communication & resulting rumours, food shortages, ‘Sounds of great cannonading’, fires in the city centre which could be seen in Rathfarnham, and the resulting destruction of the city centre. The annalist also records that two of the workmen (employed on the Loreto Abbey farm), participated in the rising and the annals conclude on 9th May, with an account of the arrest and questioning of other farm employees by the authorities. Reference is also made to searches and the capturing of arms in Rathfarnham village.


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Letter to Fr. Ryan S.J.

Letter from M. Michael Corcoran, Loreto Convent, Rathfarnham to Fr. Ryan S.J., Australia. This letter, refers to the 1916 Rising in Dublin, where three Loreto houses were surrounded by ‘fighters and two of Ours had narrow escapes from stray bullets.’ A member of the community at 53 Stephen’s Green, was awoken at 11.30 p.m. ‘by the crash of a bullet through her window pane. It struck the wall opposite and fell on her bed.’ She did not alert the rest of the community, ‘assuming, it maybe supposed, that a second stray bullet would not come the same way.’ She fears what will ‘become of our poor country’, and although she hopes peace will soon be restored, ‘many fear disaffection among the Irish regiments.’ The three houses in Dublin ‘were in great danger, but all Ours kept up their courage wonderfully, and kept at the back of the houses to avoid bullets.....The house on the north side had not enough to eat for a short time.’


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Extract from the Annals Loreto College 53 St Stephen’s Green 1914 - 1918

This contemporaneous account of Easter Rising 1916 captures the uncertainty, the confusion and the anxiety experienced by the religious community and the resident boarding pupils. In 1916 the Sisters were bound by the rule of enclosure, and were not permitted to leave convent grounds, unless for medical or other appointments. The Sisters were permitted to visit other convents, but only with the prior agreement of their Local Superior. A small number of boarders remained in the boarding school throughout the Easter holidays 1916, they were the daughters of parents working/living abroad or for whom, travel home, was not feasible or too expensive. The annalist was in a unique position to record the events of Easter Rising 1916 in St Stephen’s Green, as the community room overlooked the Green. The annalist records the activities in the Green on Easter Monday, ‘men and women busily going to and fro in Stephen’s Green park and having locked the gates proceed to dig trenches. Where the trees did not hide the paths shrubs were torn up to cover the railings. The trams were next seen drawn up in line but all were empty.’ ‘Close and constant firing’, sniper fire, efforts to safeguard the boarders by moving to the rear of the building, loss of communication, food shortages, the daily attendance by various priests who celebrated daily mass and heard confession, the transfer of patients to the neighbouring St Vincent’s Hospital, the staggered observance of Truce & surrender, and the gradual resumption of normality are recorded by the annalist.


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The library, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the library in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the building was little altered from 1916.

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View from the College windows, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the view from Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the building was little altered from 1916.

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The hard tennis court, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the hard tennis court in the grounds of Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the grounds were little altered from 1916.

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A reception room, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of a reception room in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the building was little altered from 1916.

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In the grounds, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the grounds of Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the grounds were little altered from 1916.

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Entrance hall, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the entrance hall in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the building was little altered from 1916.

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The concert hall, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the concert hall in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. Commercially produced c. 1930’s, but building was little altered from 1916.

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Pupils' dining hall, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the pupils' dining hall in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. Commercially produced c. 1930’s, but building was little altered from 1916.

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The altar, Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Postcard of the altar in Loreto College, 53 St Stephen’s Green. The postcard was commercially produced c. 1930’s, but the building was little altered from 1916.

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